On the campaign trail he said one thing, than after elected he turned into a prohibitionist.
He said until the County Sheriffs on board he is not even supporting decriminalization.
Holds office State Assembly District 41
"For simple possession of small amount, I am in favor." Is what he said on the campaign trail and then flip flopped and said no to decriminalization. He even said no to his fellow Republicans when they presented a bill for his consideration to make simple possession of 10 grams a $100 fine.
“My current stance on Marijuana Reform would be against legalization of recreational use. I am also currently opposed to medicinal, but I am more open to exploring this side of it.” He added on the topic of decriminalization: “For simple possession of small amount, I am in favor.” Wi Eye interviewed Alex Dallman on July 9; in which Dallman added the “slippery slope” theory to his list opposition, stating he is worried medical marijuana leads quickly to recreational marijuana”. 08/11/2020
Email: ryan.ring@legis.wisconsin.gov
Web: https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/41/dallman
Phone: 608-266-8077
State Capitol, Room 321 East Post Office Box 8952
Madison, WI 53708