Politician Info
D Ed Hibsch (R - WI) MEDICAL USE

Candidate in race for State Assembly District 64 on Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Ed runs a one man limousine  service out of Kenosha.

Position on Marijuana Legalization

Definitely opposed to recreational marijuana, seen too many bad effects from the states that have gone that route. - source

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

Unknown - Candidate did not respond to our candidate questionnaire.

Position on Medical Marijuana

Am open to medicinal use of marijuana, he has actually seen the benefits of it through a relative who has gone that route it is like night and day.   I do believe there are medicinal benefits and that would be a way to go, but we also have also be very very careful and how it is controlled and managed and make sure not just everyone can get a medical marijuana card and basically have the same effect has having it legal recreationally.  So I favor medical marijuana use but strictly controlled. - source


2018 Kenosha County Marijuana Referendum:

“Should the State of Wisconsin allow individuals with debilitating medical conditions to use and safely access marijuana for medical purposes, if those individuals have a written recommendation from a licensed Wisconsin physician?”

  • 88% YES
  • 12% NO
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