Politician Info
D Ed Cooper (R - WY)

Holds office State Senate District 20

Candidate in race for State Senate District 20 on Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

On medical marijuana access: "I will have to look at the legislation and weigh the issue at the time."

On decriminalization: "I look at the devastating results of legalization in Colorado and know that we do not want that direction in Wyoming.  As far as decriminalization, currently if a kid gets caught for controlled substance, the fine is a hundred or two.  It the same kid gets caught with beer the fine is about $450.  Medical marijuana?  At this point, I will need more education on the subject."


Contact Ed Cooper

Email: Ed.Cooper@wyoleg.gov

Web: https://wyoleg.gov/Legislators/2021/S/2068

Phone: 307-777-7881


200 West 24th Street

Cheyenne, WY 82002

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