Politician Info
David Morales (D - RI)
Holds office State House District 7
Position on Marijuana Legalization
Candidate shared his position on legalization in a Twitter Post on October 9, 2019:
"In RI, it is time we: - Legalize cannabis - Expunge cannabis-related criminal records - Direct tax-revenue towards education & social programs - Provide BIPOC communities resources to enter the industry"
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Contact David Morales
Email: rep-morales@rilegislature.gov
Web: https://www.davidmoralesri.com/?fbclid=IwAR1iX7TGsd30MTc_MLdgmfiQSYTnmVM1yEhyMtqmucRtyl843gDM7a1yrZQ
Phone: 401-480-1322
Rhode Island State House of Representatives 82 Smith Street
Providence, RI 02903