Politician Info
A Tiara Mack (D - RI)

Holds office State Senate District 6

Candidate in race for State Senate District 6 on Tuesday, September 10, 2024


"Let's legalize marijuana. It's time. Police departments spend $ 3.6 billion enforcing marijuana laws each year and arrest disporportionalty large numbers of Black people for marijuana-related offenses. This money could be used to invest in our communities. LEGALIZE marijuana, DEFUND the police, INVEST in our communities." 7/25/21

2022: Authorizes the Recreational Use of Marijuana, S 2430
2021: Establishes the Cannabis Control Commission, S 568
Contact Tiara Mack

Email: sen-mack@rilegislature.gov

Web: https://tiaramackdistrict6.com/

Phone: 401-288-1288


82 Smith Street

Providence, RI 02903

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