Politician Info
F Patrick Harrigan (R - NC) NO MEDICAL USE

Holds office U.S. House District 10

Position on Medical Marijuana

Family Voter 2024 Questionnaire:

5. Should Congress legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes? UNDECIDED


In response to 2022 NC Family Policy Council’s question “Should Congress legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes?” NO with the note "Congress should not legalize marijuana for any application, and rather it should push the issue to the states for their voters to determine legality. A clear and present danger to the structure of our country is the incongruence of state and federal law caused by rouge and irresponsible states acting in direct violation of federal law. We have a clear process to change federal law; the states should observe it."

Contact Patrick Harrigan

Email: info@harriganforcongress.com

Web: https://www.harriganforcongress.com/

Phone: 202-225-2576


1233 Longworth House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

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