Politician Info
? Clyde Lewman (D - HI)
Position on Marijuana Legalization

"I use [cannabis] for sleep and I know many seniors who benefit from marijuana use for sleep and arthritis. They rear their federal support programs will be taken away if use is discovered." (Candidate Survey Response)

"I will support national marijuana use bill." (Candidate Survey Response)

"It's a waste of time and money to prosecute marijuana use." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"Statistically much less crime and murder related marijuana use. If we were offered a choice between alcohol or marijuana use, hands down I would vote for marijuana." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"I had a medical card last year and used to help with sleep." (Candidate Survey Response)

Know more about this politician's position on marijuana? Tell us!