Politician Info
F William Reicherter (R - FL)

Candidate in race for State House District 90 on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Position on Marijuana Legalization

"I propose to stop the use of recreational marijuana. Medical use is fine with me." (Candidate Survey Response)

"As I beleive the Federal Goverments regulations are great for the overall structure of the use of Marijuana, I do beleive that the State Goverment should also have its own rules to cover what the federal prohibition may be missing or need tighting up. Marijuana is a drug that alters your mind, capabilites, decision making and mood all while killing braincells. We must not allow people to run wild on any drug that alters your mind. This is a dangerous practice and will lead to other drug approvals if we let this one slip by." (Candidate Survey Response)

"Unfortunately this is to broad of a statement to put out there. Who is to say what is responsible or not. If it is not medical it has no reason to be used. This also opens the door to their kids stealing the drug to get high and potentially selling it as a side business. We need to stay strict on mind altering drug use." (Candidate Survey Response)

When asked to provide a position statement regarding the automatic expungement of non-violent marijuana possession convictions, Reicherter remarked, "If you purchase marijuana illegally, you should accept the consquences of the risk." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"If you are stopped and have mairjuana on you and you have no medical use permit, then you should be charged with possesion. There is no reason for people to be walking around with marijuana simpley for the sake of getting high and feeling good. Drugs that alter the mind and abilites are not for recreational use and therefore if used should be punished." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"Medical marijuana has its place in our medical field as a treatment drug and I have seen first hand from people I know with cancer and other long term aliments the positive effects. However, this is a regulated treatment that needs to stay regualted and governed. We can not allow marijuana to become a mainstream drug that is purchased in stores. The safety of our citizens is too important to jeapordize over the use of mind altering drugs." (Candidate Survey Response)

Contact William Reicherter

Email: contact@billreicherter.com

Web: https://www.billreicherter.com/

Phone: 954-464-7999


8023 Northwest 112th Terrace

Parkland, FL 33076

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