Politician Info

In answer to Cal NORML's questionnaire, Sreekrishnan wrote, "Yes, I strongly support both the legal adult use of marijuana and medical marijuana. During my work under then-County Supervisor Dave Cortese, I staffed an initiative that aimed to waive the Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC) fees for patients in Santa Clara County. I worked with local Cannabis advocates and the Santa Clara County Health Advisory Commission. This program was critical for low-income individuals and Medi-Cal beneficiaries who rely on cannabis for medical purposes. The initiative sought to alleviate the financial burden for patients who were prescribed cannabis by their doctors, ensuring equitable access. This effort is reflective of my broader support for the use of cannabis, not only for personal and recreational purposes but especially for its medical benefits, helping patients in need without imposing unnecessary financial barriers. When I worked on waiving MMIC fees, it was clear that cost can be a major barrier for those who really need cannabis for their health."

She answered that cannabis taxes are too high, and she would be in favor of lowering them for all cannabis businesses, including for medical marijuana patients and equity businesses.  

In answer to the employment rights question, she responded, "Just like people can drink alcohol or take medications off the job, responsible cannabis use should be treated the same way. What someone does on their own time shouldn’t be used against them at work, as long as it doesn’t affect their job performance."

She also wrote that she is in favor of expanding safe and regulated spaces for cannabis consumption. "Not only does it give people a designated place to use cannabis responsibly, but it also creates opportunities for local businesses and tourism. Done right, it can boost the local economy while keeping public spaces more orderly. We’ve seen how cannabis consumption can be normalized in a safe way, and I believe this is a step in the right direction."

In summary, she wrote, "I believe cannabis policy should focus on equity, access, and public health. My work on waiving fees for medical marijuana patients was just one way I’ve tried to make cannabis more accessible. Beyond that, we need to ensure that the tax revenues from cannabis sales are invested in communities that were hit hardest by the war on drugs."


Candidate in race for State Assembly District 26 on Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Tara was a Legislative Director at the California State Senate, Chief of Staff/Governing Board Member at Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, and Legislative Assistant, Berkeley City Council. 

As the daughter of immigrants that overcame poverty, Tara knows what the American Dream means for so many families in Santa Clara County. Now, as a candidate for the State Assembly, she’ll protect the American Dream and make sure our kids have good schools, our workers have good-paying jobs, and our streets are safe. She’ll fight for high quality, affordable health insurance, housing, and lower utility costs for Californians who are struggling to get by. 

A lifelong resident of our District and an elected member of the Santa Clara County Board of Education, Tara has been a champion for educational excellence, early learning, and mental health services. She played a pivotal role in initiatives like supporting teachers, closing the digital divide through laptops and internet access, and fighting our fentanyl crisis among youth. Her mom was a school librarian at the same K-12 public schools that Tara attended here in this district: Cupertino Union School District & Fremont Union High School District. 

Tara co-founded the nonprofit Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action, engaging hundreds of local students in the environmental sciences, and has been a champion for environmental sustainability, climate restoration, and 100% renewable energy. Together with other neighbors, she took on our County’s largest polluter - Lehigh Cement – and she won, shutting down their 100-year old quarry which was poisoning our air and waterways.

Contact Tara Sreekrishnan

Email: tarasreekrishnan@gmail.com

Web: https://www.tarasreekrishnan.com/

Phone: 408-480-7833


PO Box 1105

Cupertino, CA 95014

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