Holds office U.S. House District 37
H.R. 3617- MORE Act of 2021
H.R.3884 - Marijuana Oppotunirty Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2019
"Communities of color have been disproportionately impacted by the criminalization of marijuana with higher sentences than their white peers. #MOREAct—which we just passed in the House—takes important steps to address this injustice by removing threat of federal marijuana charges. This comprehensive reform bill decriminalizes marijuana at a federal level, allowing states to choose how to regulate marijuana and reevaluating the previous punishment for marijuana charges." (04/02/22)
"On vote of 228 – 164, the House passed the #MOREAct, which I voted for & sponsored. It would end threat of federal intervention w/state marijuana policies & permits states to decide how to regulate it. Effort led by @repblumenauer #EndCannabisProhibition" (12/04/20)
Regarding medical marijuana, said he supports reviewing current restrictions. Doggett cited a story about a close friend whose daughter suffers from epileptic seizures; he saw firsthand the positive benefits of medical marijuana, which is one reason he believes that "there ought to be other alternatives available." 8/13/17 https://hurd.house.gov/media-center/in-the-news/town-hall-addresses-health-care-and-more
He tried preventing an immigrant/DACA student, from deportation because of marijuana possesion, less than 2 ounces: According to Doggett, he says "I have tonight made a formal request to ICE in Washington for Josue's immidiate release." "Josue is a student in good standing who is charged with misdemeaner marijuana possession. He poses no threat to our national security or public safety."
Email: lloyd.doggett@mail.house.gov
Web: https://doggett.house.gov
Phone: 202-225-4865
2307 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515