Politician Info
C+ Josh Saul (R - MI)
Position on Marijuana Legalization

"As a disabled veteran who has relied on marijuana to avoid the opioid epidemic, I have been horrified by how the system works. We need to decriminalize and allow for normal financial services for those in the marijuana industry to ensure we don’t make felons out of good people in pain. Like any other product if you don’t like it you don’t have to buy it, but creating state sanctioned black markets that subvert federal law is always going to create problems that don’t have good solutions. This is clearly a 10th amendment issue and the states have spoken." (Candidate Survey Response)

When asked to provide a position statement regarding automatic expungement of non-violent marijuana possession convictions, Saul remarked, "With the caveat that we would need to review on a case by case basis to ensure people who committed violent acts that they pled down aren’t included, I think this would give all regardless of race or creed an even playing field." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"Criminalizing drugs has proven ineffective and has put the government on a war posture against its citizens. That has created huge problems for the trust and faith in institutions, as the police have been vilified for enforcing these laws that only further the divide between the government and the citizens. We need our police to get back to stopping murderers and other violent criminals and away from revenue generating operations like drug enforcement and petty fines." (Candidate Survey Response)

"We can turn some of our best and brightest into felons by criminalizing behavior that has been admitted to by prominent politicians like Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Harris. The world doesn’t get better by giving people a criminal record for following in the footsteps of our leaders." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"Not only do I support [medical marijuana], but we need to expand the ability for your normal doctor to prescribe. One of the big problems I had in receiving care at the VA and in the private sector alike is they don’t want to touch medical marijuana patients. Allowing individuals to make this choice in consultation with their medical team is inherently reasonable." (Candidate Survey Response)

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