Politician Info
B- John Columbus (R - FL)
Position on Marijuana Legalization

"The transportation and possession of cannabis should not be prohibited for persons 21 years of age or older." (Candidate Survey Response)

"I recognize this as a step in the right direction, but do not feel prescriptions should be required for access. At the writing of this statement, I cannot afford my 6 month Florida cannabis medical screening, and I’m denied flower because of the hoops I’m required, and unable to jump through. If a physician believes cannabis treatment would help a patient, by all means prescribe the healing herb to all who need it; but as a requirement this sort of legislation brings unnecessary costs to the consumers." (Candidate Survey Response)

"I believe every state should pardon and expunge non-violent marijuana possession, and the federal government can help facilitate this effort by codifying recreational cannabis laws." (Candidate Survey Response)


Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"I was charged with a misdemeanor for marijuana possession in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, my cannabis was confiscated, and I had to pay a $500 fine. I believe this was unfair, and will fight against legislation that attacks citizens for simple possession." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"I believe cannabis should be recreational for all Americans 21 and up. It is nice to see marijuana rescheduled from I to III, but there is still more the federal government can do to help every state pardon and expunge criminal cannabis records. I believe every American adult should have the right to grow their own marijuana. Dispensaries, nurseries, and hash bars should be afforded the same rights as microbreweries, bars and restaurants across the nation. In the land of the free, a substance that is, by all scientific standards, safer than alcohol should not be prohibited." (Candidate Survery Response)

Co-sponsored Legislation

"I am proud to support Amendment 3 that is on the ballot in Florida, and have always been a cannabis advocate." (Candidate Survery Response)

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