Politician Info
B Daniel McDow (D - FL)
Position on Marijuana Legalization

On the federal prohibition of cannabis, McDow remarked, "I support ending the federal prohibition of marijuana sales to adults. I believe we should tax the sale of marijuana, much like we tax the sale of alcohol -- and use those proceeds in the locales where they are derived." (Cannabis Policy Survey)

Acknowledging the potential economic benefits of cannabis legalization in Florida, McDow wrote, "Legalizing the responsible adult-use of cannabis provides states the opportunity to take marijuana off the street corner and place it behind an age-verified counter to better provide for consumer and public safety and prevent youth access. Taxing and regulating the adult-use of marijuana also provides economic stimulus through job creation and tax revenue." (Candidate Survey Response)

With respect to supporting automatic expungements of non-violent marijuana possession convictions, McDow stated, "For too long the criminalization of marijuana has been ruining the lives of tens of thousands of our citizens. Convictions relating to marijuana have kept individuals from getting and keeping jobs, making them unable to support themselves and their families. We can do better by them and by our society by setting the record straight." (Candidate Survey Response)


Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

When asked to provide a statement on decriminalizing the simple possession of marijuana, McDow responded, "I believe it should be legal for adults to possess marijuana and that marijuana should be taxed and regulated much like alcohol is." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

Purportedly in support of legalizing medical marijuana, McDow wrote, "Medicinal use of marijuana has been demonstrated in peer-reviewed research and should be allowed (and indeed is already allowed in Florida and 37 other states)." (Candidate Survey Response)

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