Politician Info
C+ Rick Wiles (R - FL)
Position on Marijuana Legalization

"I am a strong supporter of states' rights. Let each state make it own policy...Shifting marijuana/cannabis from Schedule 1 to Schedule 3 of the Controlled Substances Act is not acceptable because 1) marijuana would still be classified as a controlled substance under the CSA. Therefore, users could still be prosecuted; 2) cannabis products would need to obtain FDA approval. Politically, I lean toward libertarian viewpoints in many issues. I want the federal government to get out of the marijuana issue and let our 50 states make their own policies." (Candidate Survey Response)

"As a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, I support President Joe Biden’s actions in 2022 and 2023 to issue mass pardons to people convicted for low-level federal marijuana possession. Sending non-violent offenders to prison for possessing marijuana harmed American citizens by creating roadblocks and obstacles to educational opportunities, employment, housing, and loans. The stigma must be removed through the automatic expungement of criminal records of citizens convicted for non-violent possession of marijuana." (Candidate Survey Response)

"This is a states’ rights issue. The federal government should respect the policies of each state to regulate possession of marijuana/cannabis. My personal opinion is that states should legalize and strictly regulate the responsible use of marijuana by adults. On the federal level, I will vote according to the viewpoint of the majority of District 21's voters." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"The Federal government currently classifies marijuana in Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act as a dangerous substance. The U.S. government should reclassify marijuana. Generally, I favor decriminalization of the possession of marijuana on a state-by-state basis. Nobody should be in prison with violent criminals for possession of marijuana. Consequently, state governors should issue pardons for Americans convicted of marijuana possession so that their careers and financial affairs are not further harmed by previous social standards." (Candidate Survey Response)

"I favor strict enforcement of laws against operating vehicles or any heavy mechanical equipment while under the influence of marijuana/cannabis that could lead to the physical injury of people. I favor labor laws that support employers’ rights to suspend or terminate employees under the influence of marijuana/cannabis during working hours. Except for Schedule 1 of the Controlled Substances Act, the marijuana issue is primarily a matter for states to determine their respective policies." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"I support scientific research regarding the use of cannabis and its derivatives for medical and therapeutic purposes. I support the rights of patients to have safe access to therapeutic cannabis under the supervision of a medical doctor. Licensed medical doctors should be permitted to recommend the use of marijuana/cannabis to patients, and patients should not be subject to criminal penalties for using marijuana/cannabis if prescribed by a doctor for the patient’s benefit." (Candidate Survey Response)

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