Politician Info
C+ Ryan Nelson (D - MI)
Position on Marijuana Legalization

"I support the legalization, regulation, taxation, research and education of the responsible use of marijuana by anyone over 21 years of age." (Candidate Survey Response)

"I oppose the federal prohibition of marijuana. Federal criminalization causes needless burdens on the industry at all levels. From limiting traditional financing options for growers and sellers, to causing the unsafe, unregulated underground market to continue, the numerous consequences of the incongruity in the law unnecessarily persist. We can and we must change the federal statutes to allow the industry to improve and prosper." (Candidate Survey Response)

"Non-violent marijuana possession convictions are a burden on our justice system, and should be expunged forthwith." (Candidate Survey Response)


Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"We must decriminalize simple possession for anyone over 21 years of age. I support all efforts to achieve this goal." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"I support the legalization of medical marijuana. We need to continue to gather data and expand research that, again and again, proves its benefits." (Candidate Survey Response)

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