Politician Info
? David Tilton (WA)
Position on Marijuana Legalization

"I support the legalization and responsible regulation of marijuana for adult use. Regulating marijuana will allow for comprehensive oversight of its production, distribution, and sale, ensuring product safety, accurate labeling, and age restrictions. In states where marijuana is legal, it has already proven to generate substantial job opportunities and tax revenue. This economic benefit should be accessible to all states, free from federal oversight. Additionally, legalizing marijuana can address disproportionate enforcement and incarceration rates, promoting fairness and equity in our criminal justice system." (Candidate Survey Response)

"Marijuana should no longer be federally classified as a Schedule I controlled substance. It has numerous proven medical benefits beyond recreational usage that would contribute significantly to tax revenues and create jobs. The Schedule I classification imposes stringent regulatory barriers to studying marijuana's potential medical benefits. Regulated access to marijuana can reduce the use of more harmful substances such as opioids and alcohol, potentially lowering rates of substance abuse and overdose deaths.

Legalization also undermines the illegal black market for marijuana, reducing criminal activity associated with illicit drug trade and enhancing public safety. This can also exacerbate issues where federal law enforcement agencies may continue to enforce federal marijuana laws in states where it is legal, leading to inconsistencies in enforcement practices and priorities. Transporting marijuana across state lines, even between states where it is legal, remains illegal under federal law. This complicates distribution networks and can lead to legal consequences for individuals and businesses involved in the interstate commerce of marijuana." (Candidate Survey Response)

"Automatic expungement of non-violent marijuana possession convictions is essential for achieving justice and equity in our legal system. This reduces the disproportionate impact of outdated drug policies on communities of color." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"Legalization upholds individuals' freedom and autonomy, allowing adults to make choices about marijuana possession and consumption without fear of criminal penalties." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"Doctor-recommended usage of medical cannabis and its derivatives should be legal. Marijuana has demonstrated medical benefits across multiple therapeutic uses improving their quality of life. Further, legalization facilitates scientific research into marijuana's continued medical potential, leading to discoveries of new treatments and therapies." (Candidate Survey Response)

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