Politician Info
C+ Rodney Jacobs (D - FL)
Position on Marijuana Legalization

"I support the legalization and regulation of the responsible use of marijuana by adults. Legalization allows for a controlled, safe market, reducing the risks associated with unregulated products and generating significant tax revenue for public services. However, it’s essential to ensure that those who have been disproportionately harmed by the criminalization of marijuana policies are given a "seat at the table" in this new industry. Prioritizing marginalized communities in business regulation and licensing processes is a matter of justice and equity. These communities have borne the brunt of punitive drug laws, facing higher arrest rates and harsher sentences. By providing opportunities for ownership, employment, and investment within the legal marijuana industry, we can help to rectify past wrongs and promote economic empowerment. This approach ensures that the benefits of legalization are shared broadly and that those most affected by prohibition have a fair chance to participate in and benefit from this new market. It's not just about creating a new industry; it's about righting historical injustices and fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. Legalizing and regulating marijuana responsibly, with a focus on social equity, is a step towards a fairer future for all." (Candidate Survey Response)

"I support automatic expungement for non-violent marijuana simple possession convictions. These convictions have long-lasting negative impacts on individuals’ lives, affecting their ability to secure employment, housing, and education. Automatic expungement would help rectify the injustices of past marijuana laws, offering a fresh start for those unfairly penalized. It’s a crucial step towards restorative justice, ensuring that people are not held back by outdated and unjust policies. By clearing these records, we can help individuals move forward and contribute positively to our communities." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"I support decriminalizing the simple possession of marijuana. The current approach disproportionately impacts marginalized communities, leading to unnecessary incarcerations and lifelong consequences for minor offenses. Decriminalization (both Civil and Criminal) would reduce the burden on our justice system, and eliminate the stigma that follows those convicted of minor possession. It’s a common-sense step towards a more equitable and just society, ensuring that individuals are not penalized for non-violent, personal choices." (Candidate Survey Response)

"I support the decriminalization of marijuana and the end of its federal prohibition. Criminalizing marijuana has disproportionately harmed marginalized communities and clogged our justice system with non-violent offenders. Decriminalization would free up resources for more serious crimes, provide medical benefits to those in need, and allow for regulated, safer use. It’s time to move towards sensible drug policies that prioritize public health and social justice." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"I strongly support legalizing the medical use of marijuana. Countless studies and patient testimonials highlight its effectiveness in treating chronic pain, epilepsy, PTSD, and other debilitating conditions. Legalizing medical marijuana provides patients with a safe, regulated option for relief, reducing reliance on addictive opioids and other pharmaceuticals. It’s a compassionate, evidence-based approach to healthcare that respects patients’ rights to access treatments that improve their quality of life. By legalizing medical marijuana, we can offer hope and relief to those who need it most." (Candidate Survey Response)

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