Politician Info
B- Lisa Carpus (D - FL)

Candidate in race for State House District 68 on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Position on Marijuana Legalization

"I support legalizing marijuana for both medical and recreational use. I support ending the federal prohibition of marijuana...I support legalizing and regulating the responsible use of marijuana by adults." (Candidate Survey Response)

"I support the automatic expungement of non-violent marijuana possession convictions." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"I support decriminalizing the simple possession of marijuana." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"I fully support legalizing the medical use of marijuana." (Candidate Survey Response)

Contact Lisa Carpus

Web: https://www.lisa4florida.com/

Phone: 813-485-4896


Post Office Box 1235

Valrico, FL 33595

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