Politician Info
C+ Bonnie Patterson-James (D - FL)

Candidate in race for State House District 50 on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Position on Marijuana Legalization

"As a Democratic candidate, I believe in upholding the principles of personal freedom, public health and social equity. The movement to legalize and regulate responsible use of marijuana by adults is a step forward in aligning our laws with these values. By legalizing and responsibly regulating marijuana, we can foster a fairer, safer and more prosperous society for all." (Candidate Survey Response)

"I firmly believe that the time has come to end the federal prohibition of marijuana. The current federal laws disproportionately impact minority communities and contribute to systemic racial injustices. By decriminalizing marijuana and expunging past convictions, we can begin to rectify these wrongs and create a fairer justice system. Ending the federal prohibition of marijuana is not just a policy change; is a step towards a more equitable, safe and prosperous future for all Americans. As your candidate, I am committed to leading this charge towards justice and progress." (Candidate Survey Response)

"I support Amendment 3 on the November 2024 ballot." (Candidate Survey Response)

"I am committed to justice, equality, and the belief that everyone deserves a second chance. The criminalization of marijuana possession has disproportionately impacted communities of color and marginalized groups, leading to lifelong consequences for non-violent offenses. I support automatic expungement of non-violent marijuana possession convictions to rectify these historical injustices. I will fight for policy that will restore rights, promote equity and economic benefits. It is time to move forward with smart, compassionate legislation that acknowledges past wrongs and creates a more just and equitable future for ALL." (Candidate Survey Response)


Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

Patterson-James claims she is "committed to fairness, justice and sensible public policy;" continuing, "I am a strong advocate for the decriminalization of the simple possession of marijuana. The decriminalization of marijuana disproportionately affects minority and low-income communities, leading to lifelong consequences such as criminal records and imprisonment. Decriminalizing simple possession is a crucial step towards rectifying these systemic injustices and ensuring that our justice system treats all individuals fairly and equitably. Decriminalizing the simple possession of marijuana is a commonsense policy that promotes social justice, reduces incarceration, supports public health, and benefits our economy. As your candidate, I am dedicated to leading this progressive change to create a more just and compassionate society. I believe decriminalization is not only the right thing to do but also a necessary step towards a more equitable and effective legal system." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"As your candidate devoted to advancing public health, equity and compassionate care, I strongly support the legalization of medical marijuana. By legalizing its medical use, we can offer patients a natural and effective alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals, including opioids. Patients and their healthcare providers should have the right to explore all available treatment options. Legalizing the medical use of marijuana is a humane, scientifically supported, and economically sound policy that aligns with our values of justice, equity, and public health. As your candidate, I pledge to champion this cause and work diligently to bring compassionate care to those in need." (Candidate Survey Response)

Contact Bonnie Patterson-James

Email: Bonnie4Florida@gmail.com

Phone: 863-602-7429


7107 Morning Dove Loop West

Lakeland, FL 33809

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