Politician Info
C William Pura (D - FL)

Candidate in race for State House District 56 on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Position on Marijuana Legalization

A political newcomer, Pura stated, "nobody beats his wife, or robs a bank, or commits murder, because they are high on pot...legalization is long overdue." (Candidate Survey Response)

When asked to provide a statement on whether or not he supports automatic expungement for non-violent marijuana possession convictions, Pura wrote, "it is simply the right thing to do." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

Regarding cannabis decriminalization, Pura believes, "the law should focus on more destructive substances, like alcohol and cocaine and meth, etc." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

Pura stated that cannabis' "healing values are well known." (Candidate Survey Response)

Contact William Pura

Email: wvpura@gmail.com

Phone: 727-263-0031


Post Office Box 277

Elfers, FL 34680

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