Politician Info
B- Jacqueline Gross-Kellogg (D - FL)

Candidate in race for State House District 113 on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Position on Marijuana Legalization

"Our state is in economic crisis in affordable housing, safe and smart use of marijuana and its distribution offers an economic stimulus for our state. Legalization will curb criminal activity and hopefully lower the rate of gun violence evident by the drop of gun violence in Colorado." (Candidate Survey Response)

"The labeling of marijuana as a gateway drug has harmed thousands of Americans. The implementation of legalization and regulation for medical or adult use is long overdue. By providing consumers with “safe, regulated, and local access to marijuana,” states have reduced illicit interstate commerce, as customers switch to purchasing state-regulated marijuana over illicit interstate marijuana. On a personal note, my father, a Navy veteran, who resides in assisted living, would benefit greatly from marijuana to sooth anxiety and stimulate his appetite. Sadly, there is no one trained to adminster its use for him. Instead, he is over medicated and I see his health declining rapidly." (Candidate Survey Response)

"'Righting the wrong' can not happen soon enough. I believe it is a human rights violation to have non violent marijuana users in prison." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"I stand by the ACLU's statement that decriminalization of marijuana is racial justice. As a life long resident of Miami, I have seen the tragedy of enforcement of the criminalization of marijuana use. 'Marijuana has been a key driver of mass criminalization in this country and hundreds of thousands of people, the majority of whom are Black or LatinX, have their lives impacted by a marijuana arrest each year. Legalization is an important step towards ending the war on drugs, and it cannot come soon enough.'" (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"I am not a doctor, but I have seen first hand from too many loved ones in my life suffering from cancer how marijuana has helped them; even my friend's 90 year old mother towards the end of her life from debilitating pancreatic cancer. With the none grave side affects of medications for pain, why not try medical marijuana first?" (Candidate Survey Response)

Contact Jacqueline Gross-Kellogg

Web: https://www.jackie4florida.com/

Phone: 305-735-9020


77 Harbor Drive Box 16

Key Biscayne, FL 33149

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