Politician Info
B+ Therese Wakefield-Gamble (D - FL)
Position on Marijuana Legalization

A political newcomer, Wakefield-Gamble says she will support Florida Ammendment 3 in November, further elaborating, "The federal prohibition of marijuana must end to align with public health interests, economic growth, criminal justice reform, and social equity. Legalizing and regulating marijuana would ensure safer products, rectify systemic injustices by decriminalizing use and expunging non-violent offenses, and unlock significant economic opportunities through taxation and job creation. It would also facilitate critical medical research and ensure consistent access to medical marijuana, particularly as an alternative medicine for chronic pain disorders and autoimmune diseases, potentially reducing reliance on opioids and preventing overdose deaths from opioids and crack cocaine. A just policy must support marginalized communities most affected by prohibition, fostering opportunities for minority-owned businesses. Adopting a rational, science-based approach to marijuana regulation is essential for a fairer, more just, and economically vibrant future." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position Statement on Legalizing and Regulating the Responsible Use of Marijuana by Adults:

"Legalizing and regulating the responsible use of marijuana by adults is a sensible and progressive step that aligns with public health, social justice, and economic growth. Current prohibitive laws have proven ineffective at curbing use and have instead led to significant social and economic costs, including the criminalization of non-violent individuals and the proliferation of unregulated, unsafe products. Legalization ensures that marijuana products are subject to stringent safety and quality controls, protecting consumers from harmful substances and enabling informed choices. Regulation allows for the establishment of clear guidelines on the sale, distribution, and consumption of marijuana, ensuring responsible use and minimizing potential public health risks. From a social justice perspective, legalizing marijuana addresses the disproportionate impact that current laws have on marginalized communities. It prevents unnecessary criminal records that hinder individuals' access to education, employment, and housing. Furthermore, it includes provisions for expunging past convictions related to non-violent marijuana offenses, thus rectifying historical injustices. Economically, a regulated marijuana market can generate substantial tax revenue, create jobs, and stimulate local economies. These funds can be reinvested into critical public services such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure, benefiting the community as a whole. Additionally, legalization can help reduce the strain on law enforcement and the judicial system, allowing resources to be redirected toward addressing more serious crimes. It also offers an opportunity to provide education and support for responsible use, reducing potential harm and promoting public health. In conclusion, legalizing and regulating the responsible use of marijuana by adults is a rational and beneficial policy. It enhances consumer safety, promotes social justice, stimulates economic growth, and supports public health. It is time to adopt a forward-thinking approach that reflects the evolving attitudes and needs of our society."

Position Statement on Automatic Expungement of Non-Violent Marijuana Possession Convictions:

"Automatic expungement of non-violent marijuana possession convictions is a critical step toward achieving justice and equity in our legal system. The criminalization of marijuana possession has disproportionately impacted marginalized communities, resulting in lifelong consequences that hinder access to education, employment, housing, and other opportunities. By implementing automatic expungement, we can rectify these injustices and provide individuals with a clean slate, enabling them to fully participate in society. Expungement aligns with the growing recognition that marijuana possession should not be a criminal offense. Many states and countries have already moved toward decriminalization or legalization, acknowledging the relative safety of marijuana compared to other substances. As we adapt our laws to reflect this understanding, it is essential to address the lasting harm caused by past convictions. Automatic expungement not only benefits individuals but also enhances public safety and economic stability. People with expunged records can more easily find employment, contribute to the economy, and support their families, reducing recidivism and reliance on public assistance programs. Furthermore, the automatic nature of the process ensures that those affected are not burdened with the often complex and costly process of petitioning for expungement, which can be a barrier to achieving justice. From a public health perspective, expungement promotes a more supportive and inclusive approach to substance use. It encourages individuals to seek help without fear of legal repercussions and fosters a healthier, more compassionate society. In conclusion, automatic expungement of non-violent marijuana possession convictions is a necessary step toward justice, equity, and societal well-being. It corrects past wrongs, supports economic and public health goals, and aligns with a more rational and fair approach to drug policy." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

Position Statement on Decriminalizing the Simple Possession of Marijuana:

"Decriminalizing the simple possession of marijuana is a necessary and pragmatic step toward justice, public health, and economic efficiency. Current laws on marijuana possession disproportionately impact marginalized communities, leading to unjust criminal records and life-long consequences that hinder opportunities for education, employment, and housing. Decriminalization will help rectify these systemic inequities by removing criminal penalties for non-violent, low-level marijuana offenses and reducing the burden on our judicial and correctional systems. Public health stands to benefit significantly from decriminalization. By treating marijuana use as a health issue rather than a criminal one, we can better allocate resources to education, prevention, and treatment programs. This shift will encourage individuals to seek help without fear of legal repercussions, ultimately fostering a healthier society. Economically, decriminalization can result in substantial savings for law enforcement and the judicial system, allowing these resources to be redirected toward addressing serious crimes. Additionally, decriminalization can pave the way for the development of a regulated marijuana market, which can generate significant tax revenue and create jobs. Furthermore, decriminalizing marijuana possession is a step toward a more rational drug policy that recognizes the relative safety of marijuana compared to other substances. It aligns with growing public support and the policies of numerous states and countries that have already taken this approach. In conclusion, decriminalizing the simple possession of marijuana promotes justice, enhances public health, and makes economic sense. It is a crucial move toward a fairer and more effective approach to drug policy." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

Position Statement on Legalizing the Medical Use of Marijuana:

"Legalizing the medical use of marijuana is a crucial step toward improving public health, enhancing patient care, and addressing the opioid crisis. Scientific research and clinical experiences have demonstrated that medical marijuana can be an effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including chronic pain disorders, autoimmune diseases, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and the side effects of chemotherapy. Allowing medical use provides patients with a natural and often safer alternative to traditional pharmaceuticals, potentially reducing the reliance on opioids and decreasing the incidence of opioid-related overdoses. Legalizing medical marijuana also ensures that patients have access to regulated, safe, and consistent products. This regulation can prevent the use of dangerous, unregulated substances that pose significant health risks. Additionally, it supports the advancement of medical research, enabling scientists to explore the full therapeutic potential of cannabis and develop targeted treatments. From an economic perspective, legalizing medical marijuana can stimulate economic growth by creating jobs, generating tax revenue, and fostering innovation in the healthcare and agricultural sectors. It can also reduce healthcare costs by providing a cost-effective alternative to expensive medications and treatments. Furthermore, legalizing medical marijuana addresses social justice concerns by decriminalizing its medical use, thus preventing patients from being penalized for seeking relief through cannabis. It also provides an opportunity to rectify past injustices by expunging the records of those previously convicted for medical use. In conclusion, legalizing the medical use of marijuana is a sensible, compassionate, and evidence-based approach that promotes public health, supports economic growth, and advances social justice. It is time to embrace a rational policy that prioritizes the well-being of patients and communities." (Candidate Survey Response)

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