Politician Info
B- Jim Brenner (D - FL)

Candidate in race for State House District 100 on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Position on Marijuana Legalization

Position Statement on Federal Prohibition of Marijuana:

"As a candidate for the Florida House District 100, I am committed to advancing policies that promote justice, public health, and economic growth. One such policy is the ending of the federal prohibition of marijuana.

Rationale for Support:

Criminal Justice Reform: The federal prohibition of marijuana has disproportionately impacted minority communities, leading to unjust incarcerations and lifelong consequences for non-violent offenders. Ending this prohibition is a crucial step towards rectifying these systemic injustices and reducing the burden on our criminal justice system.

Economic Opportunities: Legalizing marijuana at the federal level will open up significant economic opportunities. It will allow for the creation of new businesses, generate tax revenue, and create jobs in cultivation, distribution, and retail. This can be particularly beneficial for small businesses and local economies.

Public Health: Regulation of marijuana will ensure that products are safe, properly labeled, and free from harmful substances. This will protect consumers and allow for better control and research on the effects of marijuana use. Additionally, it will allow for medical marijuana to be more readily available to those who need it for health reasons.

States' Rights: Many states, including Florida, have already taken steps to decriminalize or legalize marijuana. Ending the federal prohibition respects the rights of states to make decisions that reflect the will of their citizens without fear of federal interference.

Tax Revenue: Legal marijuana can be a significant source of tax revenue, which can be reinvested in our communities, schools, infrastructure, and public health initiatives. This revenue can also be used to fund drug education and treatment programs.

Conclusion: Ending the federal prohibition of marijuana is a pragmatic and just policy that aligns with the values of fairness, economic growth, and public health. As your representative, I will advocate for sensible marijuana policies that benefit our community and reflect the progressive values of District 100. Together, we can move towards a future where our laws are equitable, our economy is thriving, and our public health is safeguarded." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position Statement on Legalizing and Regulating the Responsible Use of Marijuana by Adults:

"I believe in implementing policies that reflect the values of fairness, personal freedom, and responsible regulation. Legalizing and regulating the responsible use of marijuana by adults is a forward-thinking approach that offers numerous social, economic, and public health benefits.

Rationale for Support:

Personal Freedom and Responsibility:
Adults should have the right to make informed decisions about their own lives, including the responsible use of marijuana. Legalization respects personal freedom while ensuring that regulations are in place to promote safe and responsible consumption.

Economic Growth and Job Creation:
The legalization of marijuana presents significant economic opportunities, including the creation of new jobs in cultivation, processing, distribution, and retail. Additionally, it can generate substantial tax revenue that can be reinvested in public services, infrastructure, and education.

Public Health and Safety:
Regulating marijuana ensures that products are tested, labeled, and free from harmful substances. This protects consumers and allows for the implementation of public health campaigns that promote safe use. Furthermore, regulation helps to reduce the black market and its associated risks.

Criminal Justice Reform:
Legalizing marijuana reduces the burden on our criminal justice system by decreasing the number of arrests and incarcerations for non-violent drug offenses. This allows law enforcement to focus on more serious crimes and contributes to reducing systemic inequalities in drug law enforcement.

Education and Prevention:
With legalization, we can invest in comprehensive education and prevention programs aimed at reducing underage use and addressing substance abuse. This proactive approach helps to mitigate potential negative impacts and supports overall community well-being.

Alignment with Public Opinion:
Public support for the legalization of marijuana has been growing steadily. Implementing policies that reflect this shift in public opinion ensures that our laws are in tune with the values and preferences of our constituents.

Legalizing and regulating the responsible use of marijuana by adults is a pragmatic and equitable policy that promotes personal freedom, economic growth, and public health. As your representative, I will advocate for the legalization and regulation of marijuana to ensure that District 100 and the entire state of Florida benefit from the numerous advantages of this progressive approach. Together, we can build a future that embraces fairness, responsibility, and opportunity for all." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position Statement on Automatic Expungements for Non-Violent Cannabis Possession Convictions:

"I am committed to promoting justice, equity, and second chances for all individuals. Supporting the automatic expungement of non-violent marijuana possession convictions is an essential step in correcting past injustices and ensuring a fairer future for our communities.

Rationale for Support:

Rectifying Past Injustices: The criminalization of marijuana possession has disproportionately affected minority and low-income communities, resulting in long-lasting negative consequences for individuals convicted of non-violent offenses. Automatic expungement acknowledges these injustices and helps to restore the rights and opportunities of those impacted.

Reducing Barriers to Opportunity: A criminal record for marijuana possession can hinder access to employment, housing, education, and other essential services. Expungement removes these barriers, allowing individuals to fully participate in society and contribute to their communities without the stigma of a criminal record.

Economic and Social Benefits: By clearing the records of non-violent marijuana possession convictions, we can help reduce recidivism rates and promote economic growth. Individuals with expunged records are more likely to secure stable employment, access better housing, and pursue higher education, all of which contribute to stronger and more resilient communities.

Streamlined Legal Process: Implementing automatic expungement simplifies the legal process, making it easier and more accessible for individuals to have their records cleared. This approach saves time and resources for both individuals and the judicial system, allowing for a more efficient administration of justice.

Public Support and Policy Alignment: There is growing public support for the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana, as well as for addressing the injustices of past drug policies. Automatic expungement aligns with this shift in public opinion and reflects a commitment to fair and forward-thinking policies.

Conclusion: Automatic expungement of non-violent marijuana possession convictions is a just and necessary policy that promotes fairness, equity, and opportunity for all. As your representative, I will advocate for the implementation of automatic expungement to ensure that individuals in District 100 and across Florida have the chance to rebuild their lives free from the burdens of past convictions. Together, we can create a more equitable and just society." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization

"I am dedicated to promoting policies that advance justice, equity, and common sense. Decriminalizing the simple possession of marijuana is a necessary step toward reforming our criminal justice system and ensuring fair treatment for all citizens.

Rationale for Support:

Criminal Justice Reform: The criminalization of simple marijuana possession has led to the unnecessary incarceration of countless individuals, particularly affecting minority communities. Decriminalizing possession reduces the burden on our criminal justice system, freeing up resources to focus on more serious crimes and promoting a more just society.

Social Equity: Disproportionate enforcement of marijuana laws has resulted in significant racial disparities in arrests and convictions. Decriminalizing possession is a step towards addressing these inequities and reducing the long-term negative impacts on individuals and communities affected by these laws.

Economic Savings: Decriminalization can lead to significant cost savings for law enforcement, courts, and correctional facilities. These savings can be redirected to community programs, education, and public health initiatives that benefit all residents.

Public Health Approach: Treating marijuana possession as a public health issue rather than a criminal one allows for better support and resources for individuals who may need help. It encourages the development of education and prevention programs without the stigma of criminalization.

Personal Freedom: Decriminalizing simple possession respects individual autonomy and the right to make personal choices. It aligns with a more rational and humane approach to drug policy, focusing on harm reduction rather than punitive measures.

Conclusion: Decriminalizing the simple possession of marijuana is a sensible and fair policy that promotes justice, equity, and economic efficiency. As your representative, I will advocate for the decriminalization of marijuana possession to create a more just and equitable legal system in District 100 and throughout Florida. Together, we can work towards a future where our laws reflect fairness, respect for individual rights, and a commitment to community well-being." (Candidate Survey Response)

Position on Medical Marijuana

"I firmly believe in the compassionate and evidence-based approach to healthcare. Legalizing the medical use of marijuana is a crucial step in providing relief to countless patients and advancing our healthcare system.

Rationale for Support:

Patient Care and Relief: Medical marijuana has been shown to alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life for patients suffering from chronic pain, epilepsy, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and other debilitating conditions. Legalizing its use ensures that patients have access to the treatments they need to live more comfortable and fulfilling lives.

Medical Research and Advancements: Legalization allows for comprehensive research into the medical benefits and potential risks of marijuana. This research is essential for developing safe and effective treatments, understanding the full therapeutic potential of cannabis, and ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

Doctor-Patient Relationship: Legalizing medical marijuana empowers healthcare professionals to make decisions based on their clinical judgment and the specific needs of their patients. It removes the legal barriers that currently prevent doctors from recommending a treatment that could be beneficial.

Economic and Social Benefits: Legal medical marijuana can provide economic benefits through job creation in the cultivation, processing, and distribution sectors. Additionally, it can generate tax revenue that can be reinvested in healthcare and community programs.

Opioid Crisis Mitigation: Studies suggest that medical marijuana can be an effective alternative to opioids for pain management. Legalizing it could play a role in reducing opioid prescriptions and the associated risks of addiction and overdose, contributing to the broader effort to combat the opioid crisis.

Conclusion: Legalizing the medical use of marijuana is a compassionate, evidence-based policy that prioritizes patient care, supports medical research, and offers economic and social benefits. As your representative, I will advocate for the legalization of medical marijuana to ensure that patients in District 100 and across Florida have access to the treatments they need and deserve. Together, we can create a healthcare system that is more inclusive, innovative, and effective." (Candidate Survey Response)

Contact Jim Brenner

Web: https://www.jimbrenner.com/

Phone: 202-390-1058


1160 North Federal Highway

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

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