Politician Info
A+ David Marstellar (D - WI) LEGALIZE, TAX, AND REGULATE

The Marstellar Campaign Press Release announcing his run for assembly contained is support for legalization of cannabis and it would be a priority for his campaign. In part, the release stated:

“We have an incredible opportunity under these new fair legislative maps, signed by Governor Evers, to elect people who want to bridge the divide and make real progress on issues that the majority of people in Wisconsin care about – such as expanding BadgerCare, improving affordable housing, legalizing marijuana, and effectively dealing with crime and reckless driving. That is why I’m running. 

Candidate in race for State Assembly District 21 on Tuesday, November 5, 2024


David Marstellar for Assembly has the endorsement of many of our Democrats who led the cannabis legalization bills in the past sessions. 

Contact David Marstellar

Email: info@marstellarforwisconsin.com

Web: https://www.marstellarforwisconsin.com/



1815 West Grange Avenue

Milwaukee, WI 53221

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