Politician Info
A+ Christian Phelps (D - WI) LEGALIZE, TAX, AND REGULATE

Christian Phelps has legalization of cannabis on his official campaign website as a priority issue and it states:

Wisconsin is increasingly becoming a bubble. Despite the fact that legalizing marijuana would be immensely popular, our regressive, Republican-led legislature has kept Wisconsin stuck in the past even as our Midwestern neighbors have moved forward. By legalizing, taxing, and regulating cannabis, and expunging the records of those unjustly arrested for possession or use, we can keep families together and open up a new stream of public revenue. 

Holds office State Assembly District 93

Position on Marijuana Legalization

Phelps pointed to support from Wisconsinites for marijuana legalization — in January, polling from the Marquette Law School showed 63% of Wisconsinites favored full legalization of marijuana, and 29% were opposed.

“I join over 60% of Wisconsinites in supporting legalization of marijuana and joining our Midwestern neighbors that are benefiting from the tax revenue it could generate, and I oppose splitting up families and continuing cycles of incarceration by locking people up for possession and use of marijuana,” Phelps said. “This is an extremely popular issue and a perfect example of how the gerrymandered Republican Legislature has not had to listen to the public.” - source

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