Holds office U.S. House District 15
“Marijuana is still listed as an illegal substance by the federal government, and I don’t think we’re anywhere close to changing that,” Thompson said. “At the same time, today we have individuals who are directly involved (in medical marijuana) and aren’t able to bank their money.” (10/02/19)
On limbo with medical, still believes it can be gateway drug (2018) "I don't understand why, if it's medicine, we need a separate pharmacy," "To me, that's a slippery slope to what happened in Colorado: recreational marijuana." Also, he said there are many people fighting addiction who started with marijuana.
"It's a gateway drug," said Thompson, who noted that he is on a heroin and opioid task force and suggested that more long-term treatment centers are needed to help focus on treating addiction behavior.
Referring to treatments such as suboxone, he said, "We need something other than drive-by treatment."
-when surgeon general softened his stance on MJ (2015), Thompson commented "I would ask that our surgeon general not make medical decisions based on political correctness, but instead consult the science,"
-Open to medicinal legalization (2014) "As a health care professional, I believe that treatments are best determined by a patient and his or her own doctor," Thompson said in a statement. "But, as other states have seen, as with any pharmaceutical, there is always the potential for abuse."
Email: teamgt@gtthompson.com
Web: https://thompson.house.gov/
Phone: 202-225-5121
400 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515