Holds office State Senate District 3
Born on April 2, 1947
Wife, Sarah
Two children, John and Catherine
B.S. in Criminal Justice, East Tennessee State University
J.D., Atlanta Law School
U.S. Army; served in Southeast Asia 1967-71
Chair, Senate Health and Welfare Committee
Member, Senate Education Committee
Member, Senate Government Operations Committee
Member, Joint Government Operations Commerce, Labor, Transportation and Agriculture Subcommittee
Member, Joint Government Operations Education, Health and General Welfare Subcommittee
Senate member of the 97th through 110th General Assemblies
Community Involvement:
American Legion Post 24
Lions Club of Johnson City
1st Tennessee Human Development Agency
2011 Legislator of the year Victory Award
2011 Legislator of the year by the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
2003 Legislator of the year, Tennessee Developmental District
1997 Legislator of the Year, Tennessee Development District
1995 Legislator of the year, Tennessee School Board Association
1994 State Senator of the Year, 1st District Tennessee Christian Coalition
1993 Legislator of the Year, Tennessee Human Resource Agency
Voted IN FAVOR of stripping Memphis and Nashville ofDecrim. Votes “Aye” on HB0173/SB0173
As enacted, clarifies thatstate law preempts local government enactments with respect to the regulationof and appropriate sanctions for conduct involving drugs and other similarsubstances.
Has repeatedly said he would defer to the statewide physicians groups take on the matter. Sis on health committee which is one of two committees cannabis has to pass.
Email: sen.rusty.crowe@capitol.tn.gov
Web: http://www.legislature.state.tn.us/senate/members/s3.html
Phone: 615-741-2468
425 John Lewis Way North Suite 720 Cordell Hull Building
Nashville, TN 37243