Politician Info
B Bob Casey (D - PA)

Holds office U.S. Senate


Senator Casey has advocated for the descheduling of marijuana. His stances on the legalization and decriminalization have gotten more progressive over the years. He believes that once marijuana is descheduled the federal government will be better able to research marijuana's medical benefits.

Sponsored Legislation

S. 2557 SUCCESS Act (2015-16)

Co-sponsored Legislation

S. 134: Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015 (2015-16)


Senator Casey responded to a constituent about marijuana legalization by saying he supports rescheduling marijuana from Schedule 1 to 2. "Unfortunately, that won't change much for the better. Re-scheduling doesn't help, we must DE-schedule." Read more here


"Bureaucrats in Washington should not interfere with the medical care these patients are receiving...Given the unprecedented opioid crisis, the Department of Justice should focus its resources on targeting violent drug dealers and criminal gangs, not individuals operating under doctors' instructions. States should be given the flexibility to determine the best policy for their communities."

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Contact Bob Casey

Email: info@bobcasey.com

Web: https://bobcasey.com/

Phone: 202-224-6324


393 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

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