Holds office U.S. House District 5
As former President of the AZ State Senate, Biggs has been a dedicated obstacle to reform despite numerous meetings in both PHX and DC.
Introduced bill prohibiting state money from being used for marijuana research 4/21/16
"The House passed a bill today that legalizes marijuana. That's a major problem. THC concentrations in marijuana have reached dangerous levels and taxpayers are going to be subsidizing their production." (04/01/22)
"As long as we have the massive social welfare state that America has today, we will incur whatever detriment comes from national decriminalization of marijuana. I opposed this bill from House Democrats to decriminalize marijuana at the national level." 12/04/20
In 2014, Biggs introduced an amendment to a state budget bill which would have prohibited the state from spending any of its general fund money on medical cannabis research. He said, "...I don't think we should fund that sort of thing. We have limited funds and better things to spend it on." (07/01/14)
464 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515