Politician Info
F David Farnsworth (R - AZ) NO MEDICAL USE

Holds office State Senate District 10


Another prohibitionist leader, Farnsworth held several meetings on reform but voted against it and filed three anti-cannabis bills last session.

Sponsored Legislation

SB 1032-Outdoor Advertising Prohibitions [Prohibits billboards that promote the sale of marijuana] 

SB 1060-Unlawful Medical Marijuana Information [Criminalizes the publication of dispensary product and contact information]


“I personally have been offended in my own neighborhood when I see a billboard that’s promoting marijuana usage,” said David Farnsworth (12/03/2017) 

Contact David Farnsworth

Email: dfarnsworth@azleg.gov

Web: https://www.azleg.gov/Senate/Senate-member/?legislature=56&session=127&legislator=2123

Phone: 602-926-3387


Arizona State Capitol Complex 1700 West Washington Street Room 303

Phoenix, AZ 85007

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