“The war on drugs ripped American families apart, falling especially hard on communities of color. Its effects continue to wreak havoc across the country.”
Gwen Moore is a consistent co-sponsor of cannabis reform at the federal level. She always has great insight and comments in the main stream media when asked about marijuana.
Holds office U.S. House District 4
“Currently, students who are convicted of possessing marijuana risk losing their federal aid, no matter the quantity,” Congresswoman Moore said. “Losing financial aid can be devastating and often determines whether one can remain in school. This policy harms students of color, who are often targeted for low-level offenses like marijuana possession. It’s why I am thrilled to support this bill because a marijuana conviction shouldn’t jeopardize a students’ future or access to educational opportunity.” (7/26/19)
"The war on drugs ripped American families apart, falling especially hard on communities of color. Its effects continue to wreak havoc across the country." (3/9/18)
Email: info@gwenmooreforcongress.com
Web: https://www.snapchat.com/add/repgwenmoore
Phone: 202-225-4572
2252 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515