Politician Info
D+ Scott Walker (WI)

As head of the Republican Governors Association, Walker accepted $25,000 from the National Cannabis Industry Association, which advocates for legal, safe use of marijuana. He faced heavy criticism from opponents due to his prohibitionist views on marijuana. In response Walker said, "If you look at that dollar amount versus the tens of millions of dollars we've raised, I doubt that has any more influence," he said.

Walker added that any money wouldn't sway his agenda. "We make public policy decisions not based on who donates to any organization, but rather what's good for the people of our state," he said. (7/20/17) https://www.wpr.org/walker-defends-accepting-pro-marijuana-organizations-donation-gop-governors-group

"If I'm at a wedding reception here and somebody has a drink or two, most people wouldn't say they're wasted," he said. "Most folks with marijuana wouldn't be sitting around a wedding reception smoking marijuana."
"Now there are people who abuse (alcohol), no doubt about it, but I think it's a big jump between someone having a beer and smoking marijuana," he added. (2/13/14) http://host.madison.com/ct/news/local/writers/jack_craver/scott-walker-big-difference-between-having-a-beer-and-smoking/article_317d7568-9436-11e3-964c-0019bb2963f4.html

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