Politician Info
A Ruth Palumbo (D - KY)

Community Vol. Baptist. UK, BA. Lexington Chamber of Commerce. Democratic Women's Club. Musical Theater. Philharmonic Women's Guild. Bryan Station Neighborhood Assoc. Jr League. Professional Women's Club. League of Women Voters. Girl Scouts USA. Natl Conference of Christians, Jews. Focus on Family Child Care Council. UK Interdisciplinary Human Devel Inst, Bd. Bluegrass International Affairs. Navy League. Am Cancer Soc, Bd, past Pres. UK Fellow. UK Children's Miracle Network Telethon, Steering Council. Am Symphony Orchestra League, vol council. UK Devel Council. Governor's Advisory Commission on Federal Funding for Ed. Lexington Outstanding Young Woman 1982. Sayre School's Dorothy Moomaw Miles Service Award 1986. Leadership Lexington 1988. Leadership Am 1989. Governor's Vol Activist Award 1989.

Co-sponsored Legislation

General Assembly 2024

  • HB 72 - Create a new section of KRS Chapter 218A to make possession of a personal use quantity of cannabis exempt from civil or criminal penalty
  • HB 420 - Establish an Adult-Use Cannabis Program
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