Politician Info
F Deb Fischer (R - NE) NO MEDICAL USE

Holds office U.S. Senate


Senator Fischer is vehemently against the legalization of marijuana. She has been outspoken in her anti-marijuana position, going so far as to introduce a bill to instill further regulations on states with medical and/or recreational marijuana. 


"Marijuana is being transported across state lines and making its way out of states such as Colorado and into Nebraska's communities," Fischer said in a press release. "This drug remains an illegal substance on the federal level and in Nebraska, where our law enforcement officers are working hard to stop the crime and violence associated with its transport."

"I do not support legalization of marijuana," said U.S. Sen. Deb Fischer during a listening session at the Keystone Business Center Tuesday. Sen. Fischer was responding to a question from an area resident curious about her position on the subject. 8/27/2015 http://www.mccookgazette.com/story/2225739.html

Sen. Fischer said she met with law enforcement representatives throughout Nebraska, "and what they shared with me was eye opening." She said marijuana coming over from Colorado was much more potent and available in a variety of forms, including cannabis infused candy such as gummy bears.

"This is dangerous for kids. I'm opposed to it," said Sen. Fischer, reiterating her opposition to legalizing the drug.

Sen. Fischer said it wasn't uncommon for laws to be ignored but it was especially upsetting to her when it was being done by a state.

"Colorado is ignoring federal law," said Sen. Fischer. 8/2015

Contact Deb Fischer

Email: stacey@fischerfornebraska.com

Web: https://www.flickr.com/photos/131708750@N07/albums

Phone: 202-224-6551


448 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

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