Christopher Pappas supports full marijuana legalization for adults in New Hampshire, and has publicly declared his support of such legislation in media, but voted no on the MORE Act in 2019 to deschedule marijauan from the federal Controlled Substances Act.
Holds office U.S. House District 1
“I support decriminalizing marijuana, taking it off Schedule I, and making important federal reforms so states can choose how to appropriately regulate these substances. But the MORE Act is not the right way to do this. It is a deeply flawed bill that contains loopholes that would jeopardize public safety for Granite Staters and all Americans. I am disappointed that the full House was not given a chance to support the bipartisan amendment I submitted to address these issues, including explicitly preventing violent felons, organized crime leadership, or anyone who has been found guilty of trafficking fentanyl from being let out of prison or having their federal records expunged. I hoped the House would have undertaken a more deliberative process to find a way forward on this issue. Instead, the House is moving the same bill it passed in 2020 that has no chance of passing the Senate or becoming law. Moving forward, I hope to work with my colleagues to close these loopholes and craft a bill that can become law. We must continue to work to get this policy right because it’s long past the time to achieve reform.” (4/1/22)
Executive Councilor Chris Pappas, a Democrat in New Hampshire's 1st Congressional District primary, said he supports state-level legalization.
"It's clearly a matter of when and not if marijuana gets legalized in New Hampshire," he said. "I think that at the point in time when it is legalized we need to be ready to make sure that public safety is protected." (6/27/18)
"Every candidate said they would vote to declassify marijuana from its current schedule 1 illegal drug status, and remove restrictions on federal funds allowing money to be used on prevention, treatment and recovery programs." Link
Phone: 202-225-5456
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Washington, DC 20515