Politician Info
F Robert Aderholt (R - AL) NO MEDICAL USE

Holds office U.S. House District 4


"I rise to oppose the amendment. This proposal would prevent federal law enforcement from enforcing current law protecting public health and ensuring community safety. Under the Controlled Substances Act, the Drug Enforcement Administration defines schedule 1 drugs as having no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, there is no scientific recognized medical benefit for smoking or eating marijuana plants. Claims of benefits from smoked or ingested marijuana are anecdotal, and generally outright fabrication, but it is established that marijuana use has real health and real social harms. This is especially true for children. Young, young people with developing brains and those with impaired physical or psychological issues. New data shows crime and health problems from marijuana use and trafficking, in in particular these states that have decriminalized marijuana use. Simply put, this amendment sends the wrong message about the most widely abused drug in the United States. According to the DEA, more young people recieve treatment for marijuana dependency than for alcohol and other illegal drugs combined. This amendment ignores the problems of abuse, and sends a false message to the youth that smoking marijuana is healthy and it is okay. I would urge the rejection of this amendment." (6/28/22)

"I urge all of my colleagues to vote No on this legislation and prevent the widespread production and use of marijuana." (12/1/20)

2022: Medical Marijuana Research Act, HR 5657
2022: Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, HR 3617
2021: SAFE Banking Act of 2021, HR 1996
2020: Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act of 2019, HR 3884
2019: The SAFE Banking Act, HR 1595
2019: Blumenauer/McClintock/Norton Amendment to Protect Legalization
2015: Veterans Equal Access Amendment
2015: Rohrabacher/Farr Amendment to Protect Medical
2015: McClintock/Polis Amendment to Protect Legalization
Contact Robert Aderholt

Email: michele@crosbyott.com

Web: http://aderholt.house.gov/

Phone: 202-225-4876


272 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

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