Politician Info
D Bruce Tarr (R - MA)

Holds office State Senate District First Essex and Middlesex

Candidate in race for State Senate District First Essex and Middlesex on Tuesday, September 3, 2024


On a recreational marijuana bill: "It clearly makes this bill subject to a colorable constitutional challenge," Tarr said, explaining that the bill could be open to a challenge based on the idea of equal protection under the law. He added, "If this measure is adopted as presented to us, it would create two classes of communities in Massachusetts - some in which voters have the right to address a particular issue of the restriction of the sale of marijuana, and for others ... that decision would be left to local officials." 7/20/17

2017: Amends Various Criminal Justice Laws, S 2200
2017: Amends Voter-Passed Marijuana Law, H 3818
2017: Authorizes Medical Marijuana, H 3776
Contact Bruce Tarr

Email: Bruce.Tarr@masenate.gov

Web: https://malegislature.gov/Legislators/Profile/BET0

Phone: 617-722-1600


24 Beacon Street Room 308

Boston, MA 02133

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