Politician Info
B- Michael Rodrigues (D - MA)

Holds office State Senate District First Bristol and Plymouth

Candidate in race for State Senate District First Bristol and Plymouth on Tuesday, September 3, 2024


"The legalization of the recreational use of marijuana has nothing to do with a consenting responsible adult's ability to go home and smoke a joint... This is all about the commercialization and the big business of marijuana. It's all about the edibles, the infusables, the extractions, the vaporizing, the dabbing, it reminds me so much of Post World War II Big Tobacco industry." 3/8/16

2017: Amends Various Criminal Justice Laws, S 2200
2017: Amends Voter-Passed Marijuana Law, H 3818
2017: Authorizes Medical Marijuana, H 3776
Contact Michael Rodrigues

Email: michael.rodrigues@masenate.gov

Web: https://www.senatorrodrigues.com/

Phone: 617-722-1114


24 Beacon Street Room 212

Boston, MA 02133

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