Politician Info
C Steve Southerland (R - TN) DECRIMINALIZE
I spoke with Senator Southerland for via phone as his constituent and a medical cannabis patient. His voting record is a mixed bag on cannabis related things. He voted aye on SB0894. However he was an integral part of the Hemp bill SB2224 and worked hard to pass it, He is for Drug testing welfare recipients. He supports capital punishment for Drug Dealers. His district office number is actually his home phone so keep that in mind if that is where you call. He is not very educated on Cannabis as medicine but seems very open to learning. He supported and liked the original bill last year but did not support the changes made to it later. I wont say he is a lost cause, but he would be a better supporter if he was better educated.. He does not sit on the judiciary or health committees.

Holds office State Senate District 9



Born on March 8, 1955

Wife, Cheri, and one child, Mattea

Walters State Community College

Mortgage Broker


Chair, Senate Energy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee

2nd Vice Chair, Senate Ethics Committee

Member, Senate Government Operations Committee

Vice Chair, Joint Government Operations Judiciary and Government Subcommittee

Member, Joint Fiscal Review Committee

Member, Joint Government Operations Education, Health and General Welfare Subcommittee

Community Involvement:

Senate member of the 103rd through 110th General Assemblies

Senate Deputy Speaker

Chaplain, Senate Republican Caucus

Member, Financial Services Standing Committee of the National Conference on State Legislatures

Buffalo Trail Baptist Church

Morristown Area Chamber of Commerce

Rotary Club

National Rifle Association

Position on Marijuana Decriminalization


Voted IN FAVOR of stripping Memphis and Nashville ofDecrim. Votes “Aye” on HB0173/SB0173

As enacted, clarifies thatstate law preempts local government enactments with respect to the regulationof and appropriate sanctions for conduct involving drugs and other similarsubstances. 

https://legiscan.com/TN/bill/SB0894/2017 - Voted aye

Position on Medical Marijuana
Will support the right bill. He liked last years original bill, he did not support the gutted version

Contact Steve Southerland

Email: sen.steve.southerland@capitol.tn.gov

Web: https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/legislatorinfo/member.aspx?district=s9

Phone: 615-741-3851


425 John Lewis Way North Suite 712 Cordell Hull Building

Nashville, TN 37243

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