Politician Info
F John Barrasso (R - WY) NO MEDICAL USE

Holds office U.S. Senate

Candidate in race for U.S. Senate on Tuesday, August 20, 2024


He wrote in a constituent letter that he understands "the impact of a life-long struggle with pain on people's lives, but there remain legal and proven ways to safely address those concerns as opposed to the unfettered use of any cannabidiol or marijuana product." (2022)

Republican Sen. John Barrasso was an orthopedic surgeon in Casper before serving in the U.S. Senate. He has worked to help people who live with chronic pain, said his spokeswoman, Laura Mengelkamp, in an email.

"While there are conflicting studies regarding the medical use of marijuana, the risks to individuals and the larger community far outweigh the potential benefits it may or may not provide," he said. "Sen. Barrasso believes there are better legal and proven ways to safely address pain." (3/14/15)

"DOBBS: As you know, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saying while in Mexico City, saying that our demand for drugs is what motivates the drug gangs. Is that not somewhat similar to saying that money in banks motivates bank robbers? Sentaor
BARRASSO: Well, Lou, I really do not ever approve of this let's blame Americans first approach. I just don't think that's the way to go.
These are narcotic traffickers. It is a network of criminals, and we need to do everything we can to disrupt the entire network. If they weren't moving drugs, the president was making a joke of legalizing marijuana, and I have to tell you, I think that we should not go that way under those circumstances.
The same criminal networks would just do another form of crime to try to make profits." (3/26/2009)

Contact John Barrasso

Email: contact@TeamBarrassoWy.com

Web: https://barrassoforwyoming.com/

Phone: 202-224-6441


307 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

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