Holds office U.S. House District 1
H.R.2093 - STATES Act 2019-2020
"BREAKING: The House just voted to legalize marijuana nationwide! Now, the Senate needs to do the same – so each state can set its own marijuana policies without the threat of federal intervention." (04/01/22)
"BREAKING: The House voted to end the federal prohibition on marijuana. This legislation not only decriminalizes marijuana at the federal level, it also seeks to address the harm this federal prohibition has caused to individuals and communities across the country." (12/04/20)
"Marijuana is a legitimate, billion-dollar industry in Colorado. Our small cannabis businesses should have the same access to SBA loans and support as any other business. The next coronavirus response bill must ensure these businesses get the help they need." (04/15/20)
"Unconscionable. This is why I have repeatedly sponsored legislation to prevent this type of federal overreach; it undermines the rights of Coloradans and hurts an important industry." [in response to recindance of Cole Memo]
"Passing this bill [The Respect States and Citizens' Rights Act of 2017] is now more important than ever before," DeGette said. "My colleagues and I -- along with our constituents -- spoke out frequently during the Obama administration to make clear we didn't want the federal government denying money to our states or taking other punitive steps that would undermine the will of our citizens. Lately, we've had even more reason for these concerns, given Trump administration statements. This bill makes clear that we're not going back to the days of raids on legal dispensaries, of folks living in fear that they're not going to get the medical marijuana they need, or that they might get jailed for using it."
"DeGette said the rub between federal and Colorado marijuana laws can be fixed by amending the federal Controlled Substances Act. "The problem is that marijuana is listed as a Schedule I controlled substance," she said. "Until we fix that, there's a dichotomy between federal and state law. I introduced a bill last session, and will re-introduce it this spring, that amends the Controlled Substances Act. The Act has a section that says it preempts state law. So my bill amends the Act to say that it preempts state law EXCEPT when states have legalized marijuana. So if a state passes a law to legalize marijuana, federal law doesn't preempt that law. It means people can get bank accounts and the feds couldn't prosecute people in these states for violating federal law.
"In Colorado," DeGette said, "we've witnessed the aggressive policies of the federal government in their treatment of legal medicinal marijuana providers. My constituents have spoken and I don't want the federal government denying money to Colorado or taking punitive steps that would undermine the will of our citizens."
Email: campaign@degette.com
Web: http://degette.house.gov/
Phone: 202-225-4431
2111 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515