Holds office U.S. House District 9
H.R.1588 - Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2019
H.R.1456 - Marijuana Justice Act of 2019
H.R.2843 - The Marijuana Freedom and Opportunity Act of 2019
H.R.2093 - STATES Act 2019-2020
H.R.493 - Sensible Enforcement of Cannabis Act of 2019
"I support ending the federal prohibition of marijuana. Pass it on. #EndCannabisProhibition" 12/4/21
We write to request your help in removing the administrative barriers to scientific research on medical treatments derived from the cannabis plant, also known as "medical marijuana." We have heard from numerous patients across the U.S. and parents whose children have treatment-resistant conditions about the benefits they have experienced from using cannabis to treat serious illnesses. Many prominent physicians and physician groups, including the American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians, the American Academy of Neurology, and the American Academy
of Family Physicians, have joined patients and families in calling for more research about the use of medical cannabis (in a letter to Presdient Obama about expanding research for medical marijuana)
2021: The MORE Act, HR 3617
2021: The SAFE Banking Act, HR 1996
2019: The SAFE Banking Act, HR 1595
2019: Blumenauer/McClintock/Norton Amendment to Protect Legalization
2016: Veterans Equal Access Amendment
2015: Rohrabacher/Farr Amendment to Protect Medical
Email: jan.schakowsky@mail.house.gov
Web: https://www.flickr.com/photos/janschakowsky
Phone: 202-225-2111
2408 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515