Politician Info

Strong advocate for legal cannabis and for righting the wrongs inflicted by the war on drugs. She was an original cosponsor of the MORE and SAFE Banking Acts of 2019. 

Holds office U.S. House District 1

Candidate in race for U.S. House District 1 on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Position on Marijuana Legalization

Representative Pingree supports the legalization of marijuana and descheduling marijuana at the federal level.

Commenting on the tension between state level legalization and federal prohibition she stated: “Ever since Mainers voted to legalize marijuana, our legislature has debated how to best implement this new law. It is a complicated enough task without the federal government creating hurdles or meddling in the decisions already made by states like Maine. As a member of Congress, I’ve cosponsored legislation to uphold state laws regarding marijuana legalization. I hope the Justice Department will reconsider its one-size-fits-all approach so that congressional action is not needed.”

She also added her name to the STATES Act to protect states that have moved forward with legalization or medical cannabis laws: “I fully support efforts in Congress to keep the federal government from interfering with states like Maine that have decided to move forward with marijuana legalization. Maine voters clearly expressed their wishes to establish a legal recreational marijuana industry in our state. They shouldn’t have to worry about federal prosecution for doing what is legal in their state—the same goes for legitimate marijuana-related businesses and the institutions, such as credit unions and banks, that offer them services. 

“Maine is not an outlier here—46 states now have laws permitting or decriminalizing marijuana. We should take steps to ensure that the federal government does not intrude on the rights of these state to govern within their borders.”    

Position on Medical Marijuana

Representative Pingree supports patient access to marijuana for medical purposes and has voted in support of the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer amendment to prevent the Department of Justice from using any funds to prosecute state compliant medical marijuana programs.

Co-sponsored Legislation
H.R.3617 - Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act
H.R.1996 - SAFE Banking Act of 2021

H.R.3884 - Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2019

H.R.1588 - Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2019

H.R.1456 - Marijuana Justice Act of 2019

H.R.2093 - STATES Act 2019-2020

H.R.712 - VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2019

H.R.1595 - SAFE Banking Act of 2019

H.R.2843 - Marijuana Freedom and Oppurtunity Act (2019-2020)

H.R.5485 - Hemp Farming Act of 2018

H.R.1841 - Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act

H.R.975 - Respect State Marijuana Laws Act of 2017

H.R.2215 - SAFE Act of 2017


"The 2018 Farm Bill laid a legal pathway for hemp production but created overly complicated regulations and hardship for farmers and small businesses in the process. I am introducing The Hemp Advancement Act of 2022 to eliminate unworkable testing requirements, set reasonable THC thresholds for producers and processors while protecting consumers, and end the discriminatory policy that bans people with drug convictions from growing legal hemp," said Congresswoman Pingree. "My bill takes a commonsense, straightforward approach to correct these unintended implementation problems and works to make the hemp industry more profitable and more equitable. My bill also provides a clear path forward for this industry and will support a thriving hemp economy." (2/8/22)

"Today’s vote is a historic step toward setting a federal cannabis policy that works in the 21stcentury. Eleven states including Maine have already legalized marijuana even though it remains illegal under federal law. The MORE Act will remove a major hurdle for states by removing marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act list. It will also provide incentives for this industry to grow and succeed with new grant programs.

“I’m especially pleased that this legislation will right the wrongs of the misguided ‘war on drugs’ which has for decades disproportionally harmed disadvantaged communities and communities of color. The MORE Act will reassess marijuana convictions, create programs for restorative justice, and promote equal participation in the legal marijuana industry.” (11/20/19)

"Madam Speaker, I rise to support H.R. 1595, the SAFE Banking Act, which passed this House this afternoon. Maine voters have legalized marijuana. Like every other business, cannabis companies in Maine and other legalization States need financial institutions to help them start and grow. Maine credit unions and banks want to help. They were early advocates of the SAFE Banking Act. They recognize that a safe harbor is necessary so that lenders can assist this emerging industry sector, to the benefit of consumers, lenders, and law enforcement.

"Just yesterday, a banker from southern Maine contacted me out of regret. The bank had to close a long-time customer's account when they found out he was a delivery driver for a legal marijuana producer. Due to potential Federal liability, the bank lost a customer. The citizen lost his trusted financial institution. Does he have to keep his earnings under a mattress? This makes no sense. The SAFE Banking Act will fix this problem by allowing lenders to legally serve marijuana businesses. It promotes security by ensuring transactions are done through regulated institutions, not with bags of cash." (9/25/19)

2022: Medical Marijuana Research Act, HR 5657
2022: Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act, HR 3617
2021: SAFE Banking Act of 2021, HR 1996
2020: Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act of 2019, HR 3884
2019: The SAFE Banking Act, HR 1595
2019: Blumenauer/McClintock/Norton Amendment to Protect Legalization
2016: Veterans Equal Access Amendment
2015: Rohrabacher/Farr Amendment to Protect Medical
2015: McClintock/Polis Amendment to Protect Legalization
Contact Chellie Pingree

Email: campaign@pingreeforcongress.com

Web: https://www.chelliepingree.com/

Phone: 202-225-6116


2354 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

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