Politician Info
C- Tom Michalski (R - WI) DECRIMINALIZE

He said he is a child of the 70's and marijuana is a gateway drug.  He says he has mixed emotions about it.  He recogonizes that many people are strongly against, but he is keeping his options open yet.  He does want or is in favor of getting the marijuana out of the hands of dealers.  His WI EYE interview was something to watch and at 13:56 he stumbles over the marijuana question.  He never mentions or answers how he feels about medical.

Holds office State Assembly District 13

Contact Tom Michalski

Email: Rep.Michalski@legis.wisconsin.gov

Web: https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/13/michalski/

Phone: 608-237-9113


Room 9 West State Capitol Post Office Box 8953

Madison, WI 53708

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