Holds office U.S. House District 4
"Marijuana is a psychotropic drug classified under Schedule I of the federal Controlled Substances Act as having �high potential for abuse,' �no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States,' and a �lack of accepted safety for use of the drug...under medical supervision.' While certain of these principles may be open to significant debate within segments of the medical community, and among pro-legalization/decriminalization groups, [we are] opposed to re-classification and decriminalization efforts."
2021: The Medical Marijuana Research Act, HR 5657
2021: The MORE Act, HR 3617
2021: The SAFE Banking Act, HR 1996
2019: The MORE Act, HR 3884
2019: The SAFE Banking Act, HR 1595
2019: Blumenauer/McClintock/Norton Amendment to Protect Legalization
2016: Veterans Equal Access Amendment
2015: Rohrabacher/Farr Amendment to Protect Medical
2056 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515