Holds office State House District 80
In response to 2022 NC Family Policy Council's question “Should the use of marijuana for medical purposes be legal in North Carolina?” UNDECIDED
D Has expressed no public support for significant marijuana law reform or has given contradictory responses.
Watford was previously a member of the House from 2015-2018
Voting History:
SB 124 LEO Managed CBD Oil Drop Box: YES - 2018
HB 992/SB 771 Amend Industrial Hemp Definition: EXCUSED ABSENCE - 2016
SB 313 Industrial Hemp: YES - 2015
HB 766 Amend Cannabidiol Oil Statute: YES - 2015
Email: Sam.Watford@ncleg.gov
Web: https://www.ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/687
Phone: 919-715-2526
16 West Jones Street, Room 2121
Raleigh, NC 27601-1096